Mastering Patience: How Chess Can Teach You to Wait for the Right Move

Blogs Book Review: “Small Steps to Giant Improvement: Master Pawn Play in Chess” by Sam Shankland By: Sreeraman Thiagarajan September 11, 2023 If take backs were allowed in competitive chess, it would not only be funny but would have created an endless repertoire of hilarious moments; it would have also prevented many moments from chess […]
Leadership Lessons from Chess: Inspiring and Influencing Your Team

Blogs Leadership Lessons from Chess: Inspiring and Influencing Your Team By: Sreeraman Thiagarajan July 7, 2023 If you thought chess is a lonely game where one person grinds it out for hours, think again. Chess grandmasters at the highest level have a team behind them known as ‘seconds’ helping them train and prepare lines. Five […]